
Couple’s surprise when they adopt a dog that looks just like their other dog

Many instantly connect with a shelter pup they meet and feel destined to bring them home. This was the case for one couple who, after adopting their rescue dog, uncovered a fantastic coincidence that validated it was fate!

On December 15, 2021, Alyssa DeLuca and her beau, Zachary Chin, stumbled upon a post from Trenton Animals Rock on Facebook. Astonishingly, they recognized one of their adoptable dogs!


When Zachary saw Max, a Chow Chow/Shar Pei mix needing adoption, he was immediately struck by the uncanny resemblance to his beloved pup – Arthur.

Facebook/Alyssa DeLuca

Alyssa and Zack weren’t expecting to adopt another pup, but when they saw the dog up for adoption due to his owners’ hectic work schedules, something compelled them – it felt like fate. They knew then that this rescued puppy was meant to be a part of their family.

When Zack finished reading the story’s details, he gazed at Alyssa and uttered: “It’s obvious what we must do now – let’s save him!” as she recounted to The Dodo.


Alyssa shared on social media that they had traversed a five-hour journey to adopt Max, who was endearingly renamed Wes. Alyssa also disclosed to The Dodo that poor Wes was shaking in his cage due to abject terror – making it all the more imperative for them to take him home immediately.

Facebook/Alyssa DeLuca

With Wes finally home, he and his doppelgänger Arthur quickly formed a bond.

Alyssa shared on Facebook that Wes and Arthur started as strangers yet soon became inseparable. Now they are never apart – sleeping side by side, walking in tandem, doing everything together!


Although they were very similar in appearance, their personalities had subtle differences that complemented one another perfectly. In no time at all, the two became inseparable friends.

Facebook/Alyssa DeLuca

She affectionately remarked to The Dodo, “We would always joke that they were the ‘same dog in a different font’ due to their similarities—despite all of their differences, even down to their mannerisms!”

To everyone’s surprise, Wes and Arthur had more in common than initially thought.

Last year, the couple decided to purchase DNA test kits from Embark Vet for their furry companions – Arthur was tested for health reasons, but they wanted some clarity on Wes’s true breed. To their surprise and joy, what happened next could only be described as an incredible coincidence!

Facebook/Alyssa DeLuca

When the test results returned, they revealed an astonishing truth: Wes and Arthur were siblings!

When they discovered the truth, their jaws dropped, and they realized that saving Wes from the animal shelter had unknowingly reunited two family members who hadn’t seen each other in a long time.

Alyssa joyfully proclaimed to The Dodo, “It’s an extraordinary feeling knowing that we were able to give Wes the life he deserved and reunite him with his brother. Now they live happily together as best friends, side-by-side in their well-deserved peaceful lives.”

Facebook/Alyssa DeLuca

We are incredibly grateful to Trenton Animals Rock for all their hard work and for introducing us to the kindest, most misunderstood pooch. Furthermore, many thanks to Embark for assisting in uncovering a remarkable coincidence – our puppies being brothers! Expressed by her on Facebook.

What a moving story! We couldn’t be more pleased that this adoption has reunited brothers Wes and Arthur.

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