
Hairless Stray Dog Unable To Scrounge For Food Surrenders To Death – Until Assistance Arrives

© Instagram/ sun_and_sage

Stray animals are very common each day. There are countless dogs and cats that forage for food just to survive another day. It’s a tough life and rescuers are doing the best they can to save them. Imagine just waking up to start your quest to find food sometimes when it’s too hot or too cold hunting.

Their food can be even harder, but these animals don’t give up on stray animals. A meal is always something to be happy about. They don’t care if it’s even, just a small piece of bread. For them, it might just be what keeps them alive.


Aside from foraging for their daily meal looking for a warm place to rest is another thing that seems normal for them. It’s always like this, every single day. If you think that is already tough, think about the fact that they are always on the lookout for potential danger and often suffer injuries. Seems wrong, doesn’t it? And yet it is just the harsh reality for these stray animals.

This is a story about a helpless stray dog that seemed to have already given up on life. He was seen resting down on the roadside, too weak to even find water or a safe place to rest. He seemed so defeated he was just there on the dangerous roadside. No energy, no will to even fight. He was just waiting for death to come. Indeed, it’s one of the most heartbreaking sites to see this cruel world for strays.

A dog that no longer had enough hope to fight for another meal or to fight for another day to survive. He was just so afraid, so starved and wounded. Finally, one vehicle stopped. It was his guardian Angel. A Good Samaritan named Aaron saw this poor dog and had the courage to stop his car and go to him. There he carefully approached him and the first thing he noticed was the mange on his nose and body. The poor puppy wasn’t just tired, hungry, and weak.


He was also in a lot of pain. Aside from this, he also suffered from flea infestation. He was so young yet too weak to fight. Aaron managed to get the pup away from danger and tried to feed him. At first, he didn’t approach, but eventually, hunger got the best of him and he ate the food Aaron gave him. Aaron could not catch the dog, so he asked a local shelter to help him out and they did.

Eventually, the dog, now named Homer, was safe and sound at the clinic. He was given the needed medication for his mange. Treatment for his fleas. Vets figured out Homer had cancer and needed chemotherapy. Aaron and everyone involved were very scared for his life, but they never gave up on him. Aaron didn’t want to invade Homer’s personal space, so he would spend hours a day sitting by his cage trying to show Homer that humans can be kind.

After a couple of days, Homer finally let Aaron get closer and they both sat together in the cage. Soon Aaron could bravely stroke and pet Homer without him. Getting spooked Homer proved that he was just a big, gentle giant with the sweetest and Snuggliest personality. He started wagging his tail and playing a bit. After three months the cancer was gone and Homer started to grow all of his fluffy white Burback.


Now he’s comfortable, loved, and really enjoying life with his new owners. This story is just proof positive that every single animal is worth fighting for, no matter how bad off they appear to be thanks to his rescuers. This pup is going to go on to live a full long and happy life with people who deserve him. We can only hope this story will inspire others to be the hero for another animal who needs it.


