
Heroic Woman Saves Stray Puppy from Cruel Fate by Scooping It Into Shopping Bag

When Jen from Bali Animal Welfare Association stumbled upon a shivering, injured puppy cowering beneath a scooter, it was clear that he had zero trust in humans. As she approached the frightened pup and attempted to comfort him, his fear caused him to lash out at her. She stated while filming the event: “It was so apparent to me that he had no faith in people.”

Determined and undeterred, the patient woman eventually succeeded in her mission. She carefully placed him inside a shopping bag, creating a haven for the puppy who fell fast asleep from exhaustion.


Jen was hesitant to wake him up but knew that he needed proper sustenance; as such, she lovingly named him Budji – one of the cutest names ever!

After two days, Budji was welcomed by Jen’s other dogs and the introduction couldn’t have gone any better. It was so delightful to witness the once timid pup playing with his newfound companions! All of a sudden, his attitude shifted – he wasn’t frightened anymore; nor did he attempt to bite Jen. He had eventually realized that he could trust her and felt at last safe in their home.


Budji’s size couldn’t stop him from scaling the furniture like a champion! As he clambered up, Jen noticed an immediate transformation in his spirit.


Although his skin was still healing, it was clear that something inside had changed for good. His story is nothing short of miraculous – by the end of this video, you won’t believe your eyes at how different he looks! A heartfelt thank-you to Jen and all animal rescuers who save dogs every day with such dedication and passion.

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