
Mall shops in Istanbul welcome stray dogs for shelter during the bitter winter

As winter approaches, the dropping temperatures can be unbearable for both humans and their furry friends. While keeping our pets warm and cozy indoors is a given, what about those homeless animals braving the harsh elements?

In the heart of Istanbul, Turkey, a community came together to provide a unique solution for this problem. With a significant population of stray animals, it’s embedded in their culture to protect these vulnerable creatures.


When an arctic blast hit Istanbul in January 2017, the locals found an ingenious way to shield these strays from the freezing conditions – they turned a shopping mall into a makeshift shelter!

Not only were the dogs welcomed inside, but each had its own space, complete with a cardboard mat and a cozy blanket. The entire setup was the brainchild of three compassionate individuals who preferred to remain anonymous.

Ali Çelik, a passerby who witnessed this heartwarming act, was deeply moved. He told The Dodo, “It was fabulous. The people were there to help the animals, not for recognition.”


But that wasn’t all. Penti, a local store, also opened its doors to let these wanderers stay the night. It’s chilling how these dogs could have suffered without this haven during the frigid weather.

The sight of these dogs, safe and rested within the warmth of the mall, speaks volumes about the businesses that allowed them this respite. As winter takes hold, this act of kindness serves as a reminder for all of us.

Let’s share this inspiring story and keep the warmth spreading.


