
Soldier Worried Senior Dog Might Not Recognize Her After Basic Training

Being away from our furry loved ones can be a tough pill to swallow. And for Hannah Foraker, a 21-year-old army private, leaving behind her elderly golden retriever Buddy in Ohio to attend basic training in Oklahoma was especially heart-wrenching.

Foraker shared with TODAY that the experience was just as difficult for her as it was for Buddy. Growing up in Cleveland, she had a sheltered upbringing that made basic training at Fort Sill a challenging experience. “I have never been away from home before, so this was a huge deal for me,” she explained.

Image: Newsflare

Basic training was a test of both physical and mental strength for Foraker. She described it as “a character-building experience” and admitted that it was the hardest thing she had ever done in her life.

As challenging as basic training was, saying goodbye to Buddy was the most heartbreaking part. Foraker and Buddy had been inseparable since she was a child, so leaving Buddy behind was truly pulling at her heartstrings. “It pulled at my heartstrings, to say goodbye, though having never actually left home before I didn’t realize the importance of giving proper goodbyes,” she said.

Image: Newsflare

When Foraker finally returned home for Christmas, Buddy’s reaction was priceless. The 13-year-old golden retriever was overwhelmed with happiness and collapsed in joy at the sight of Foraker. And equally wonderful for Foraker was seeing Buddy again after being apart for more than three months.


The emotional reunion moment between Foraker and Buddy was captured on video and shared on social media. It quickly went viral, amassing more than 1.7 million views.

“Buddy was so overwhelmed that she just collapsed in pure happiness. We were apart for [more than three] months, so the reunion was such a beautiful experience,” Foraker said.

Image: Newsflare

Hannah Foraker’s reunion with her beloved Buddy is a testament to the power of the bond between humans and dogs. No matter how far apart we may be from our furry friends, when we finally reunite, the love and joy are immeasurable.


You can watch the sweet reunion below:


