
This Giant Husky Was so Excited to Meet his New Baby Brother for the First Time!

Introducing a new baby brother to a giant husky for the first time–will it be smooth sailing?

Parents of both human and furry children love it when their babies get along, bringing the family closer together. However, achieving this goal can be daunting. If your human baby begins crying upon seeing the dog, or if the dog starts barking and growling at the sight of a tiny human, what then?


The thought of a dog hurting a baby seems impossible, but if we take into account all of the videos that have surfaced recently, it’s not as uncommon as one might think

Though dogs may be apprehensive at first to meet young children, they always end up falling in love with them after getting a good smell.

Teddy the Husky lives with his two canine siblings- Phil, a Malamute, and Niko, also a Malamute. His feline brother Milo believes he is a dog too. All four of them live happily with their human family, including their parents and Amelia, their human sister.


In this video, the family’s newest member is introduced: their human baby brother.

The parents wanted to prevent any potential injury if all three dogs got too excited at once, so they decided to introduce the dogs one at a time to their baby brother.

The dogs were very well-behaved when they met their baby brother, and it was thanks to the great prep work by their parents.


The expectant mother let her dogs sniff the baby’s clothes and hats to get them used to the idea of a new family member. The father also brought out the stroller, which piqued the dogs’ curiosity.

The parents wondered if the dogs were ready to meet their baby brother yet.

Since Phil and Niko had already experienced a human baby in Amelia, their sister, they decided it would be best to introduce Teddy to the family first. Teddy is the youngest of all the dogs and hadn’t met a human child before.

Mom brought Teddy into the room to meet his baby brother. Dad was holding their new baby in the sitting area, and Teddy smelled him before he even had a chance to smell the baby. Unfamiliar with this fur-less creature, Teddy was curious. Who is this little one? Why doesn’t he have any fur all over his body?

Teddy’s dad held onto his head to stop him from getting too excited and jumping off the couch. Teddy seemed to understand that he needed to remain calm in order to stay close to his brother. So, he Lay down on the couch next to his dad and gave him a few slobbery licks on the face. However, when it came time for the inspection of a baby brother, all Teddy did was stare and sniff him curiously.

Perhaps he is still adjusting to the presence of a new baby and trying to understand his place in the family. However, if his parents can trust and rely on this tiny human, maybe he isn’t so bad after all.

Would you like to see Teddy’s reaction when he sees his new baby brother for the first time? Watch the video below.

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