
80-Year-Old Woman Travels 600 miles Across the UK with her loyal pony and dog

Every year, the indomitable Jane Dotchin, 80 years old, embarks on an incredible 600-mile journey across the United Kingdom. She is accompanied by her loyal horse Diamond and beloved canine companion Dinky!

Dotchin was raised amongst animals and hopes the next generation will be more mindful of them. During her travels, she often encounters motorists who get too close to Diamond, oversize campervans that take up all of the space in campgrounds, and inclement weather conditions.


Despite these few adversities, Dotchin makes the absolute best of her journey each year.

After a journey that began more than four decades ago in 1972, Dotchin continues her exploration of the United Kingdom today with two loyal companions – 13-year-old Diamond, an Irish Cob, and Dinky, a 10-year-old disabled Jack Russell terrier.

Dotchin’s adventure, which spans seven weeks and takes her from Hexham, England to the renowned Cairngorms in Scotland’s Highlands, is dotted with visits to friends with who she sometimes spends a night or two during her travels.


Dotchin brings along only the essentials such as a tent, a simple cell phone, and provisions for her journey. Her typical meal plan during her travels typically consists of oatcakes, porridge, and hard cheese with occasional stops at local markets. On days when she is unable to get milk for her porridge, Dotchin acquires water from nearby creeks or streams.

Dotchin delights in the opportunity to explore untamed terrain, admiring majestic stags, inquisitive foxes, and a myriad of other wildlife.

She covers an impressive 15-20 miles every day due to her thorough familiarity with the route, so much so that she no longer needs a map.


In 2001, due to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease among livestock, Dotchin had to commute via bicycle instead of her usual mode – horseback. Nevertheless, she managed to complete the journey with aplomb!

Dotchin leads a carefree life on the road, fashioning her shelter beneath the stars during rain and digging holes to serve as her restroom. She tethers Diamond close whenever she requires a respite or needs some rest.

Far from retiring, Dothcin continues her yearly voyage regardless of the eyepatch obstructing her view. Her enthusiasm never fades as she delights in every sight and conversation on her travels.

Dotchin’s remarkable annual journey earned her a meritorious Exceptional Achievement Award from the British Horse Society. The current trek is Dotchin’s fourth Diamond, and she has had four generations of pack horses accompanying her on this amazing ride—the first being a Haflinger stallion!

Bravo to Dotchin, Diamond, and Dinky for their remarkable commitment to exploring the English countryside – a journey that seems boundless!

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