
Boy with Flu Finds Solace in the Warmth of His Loving Pit Bull Companion

In 2015, Riddick the dog-faced a traumatic event when he was thrown out of a moving vehicle. Thankfully, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC came to his rescue. After some time to heal, Riddick was put up for adoption. That’s when Bryan Junior and his wife found Riddick’s picture on Facebook and instantly fell in love. They adopted Riddick in August 2015, and he quickly became a cherished family member.

A year after adopting Riddick, the couple had a baby boy named Dawson. From the moment Dawson came home from the hospital, Riddick and the family’s other pit bull, Cambria, became smitten with him.


Junior told The Dodo, “We called them the paw patrol. If Dawson cried, they would come running to check on him. They even joined us for bedtime stories and goodnight kisses.”

Dawson loves his canine siblings just as much, often cuddling with them and feeding them whenever he can.

Earlier this year, Dawson caught the flu for the first time and felt miserable. While running a fever, he wanted nothing to do with anyone—except for Riddick.


Junior said, “Dawson crawled up onto the ottoman with Riddick and held him. Riddick knew he wasn’t feeling well and stayed with him. Dawson eventually fell asleep, and Riddick never moved.”

Riddick was the only one who could comfort Dawson during his sickness. He remained attentive and stayed by Dawson’s side, showing how sweet and protective he is.

Junior described Riddick as “the most well-tempered, chill dog you could ask for. He’s gentle, loving, and tolerant of anything. Everyone loves Riddick. He’s the pup you always wish for.”


Once Dawson felt better, he returned to his normal self—running around and playing with his two favorite dogs. He’s fortunate to have such caring pets by his side.


