
Dog Paralyzed and Rescued from Railway Tracks Finds a Loving New Home

Meet Lucky, a pit bull mix with a heartrending past and an inspiring future. Abandoned on Philadelphia’s train tracks in November 2022, this brave canine endured unimaginable pain and hardship. But as his name suggests, fortune had a brighter plan for him.

For two grueling days, Lucky lay motionless on the tracks, his broken spine causing him immense pain. The trains roared past, but he managed to avoid being hit. His survival was nothing short of miraculous.


His painful ordeal ended when Philly Rescue Angels, Inc. found him. They suspected his previous owner left him there to mask the fact that they had caused his spinal injury.

(PHOTO: Facebook/Philly Rescue Angels)

Immediately rushed to the hospital, Lucky’s condition was critical. Despite the bleak prognosis, his rescuers refused to give up, fighting for his life and aiding his recovery.

However, finding a new home for Lucky proved challenging. Many potential adopters lost interest upon learning about Lucky’s behavioral issues, a heartbreaking outcome for his rescuers.


Sidara Son, one of the rescuers, couldn’t bear to see Lucky without a loving home. Recognizing his need for a nurturing environment, she decided to adopt him.

(PHOTO: Facebook/Philly Rescue Angels)

Upon bringing Lucky home, Son saw a remarkable transformation. “He just did a 360, completely fit into the house; he was happy-go-lucky,” she recalled. Lucky’s anxiety and behavioral issues seemed to melt away in his new surroundings. He quickly bonded with his new canine siblings, and it was clear he had finally found where he belonged.

Now, Lucky is living life to the fullest. Son shares that he loves walks, park visits, and playtime with his new family. She even plans beach trips, hiking adventures, and fishing expeditions.


Lucky’s health is also improving. He can now stand longer while eating, and there’s hope that he may regain some mobility. “He’s come a long way, and he’s thriving, so much like he’s just blossomed,” Son proudly shared.

(PHOTO: Facebook/Philly Rescue Angels)

The journey to Lucky’s recovery was a community effort. Philly Rescue Angels shouldered Lucky’s medical bills, Tiny Paws Rescue provided medical foster care, and SEPTA transit police played a crucial role in his rescue and recovery.

Son expressed her gratitude for the community’s support. “Seeing the community come together, and them showing their love, their support, their concern, and everybody just banding together to make sure that Lucky was going to be safe. It’s a blessing,” she said.

(PHOTO: Facebook/Philly Rescue Angels)

Now that Lucky has found his long-awaited happy ending, the members of Philly Rescue Angels can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that he will be bestowed with a life full of joy and love, never to experience the pain of loneliness again.

“We understand that Lucky was intentionally ignored by these individuals for a specific reason, as he has now found his rightful place.”

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