
Dog’s Apology Goes Viral After Pulling the Fire Alarm At Doggie Daycare

On a typically peaceful day at Dogwoods Lodge, chaos ensued when an enthusiastic Golden Retriever named Birdie accidentally triggered the fire alarm! Owner Jessica Tapper noted that Birdie wasn’t aware of her doings and neither was anyone else initially. However, this small mistake prompted the local fire department to come in response – talk about excitement!

Security camera footage revealed that Birdie had triggered the alarm when she was trying to join her friends in their enclosure. Tapper shared, “She just came for day camp and her little paws were full of energy; they must have accidentally pushed it in then pulled it down – silly Birdie!”


Not a single care seemed to be expressed by Birdie over the ruckus she had caused. “You could tell that the other dogs were completely alarmed,” Tapper reported to KCCI, “but not once did Birdie show any concern or worry about it.”

After the incident, Dogwoods Lodge took to Facebook and shared a photo of Birdie looking guilty with an apology sign around her neck that said: “Dear Grimes Fire Department, I’m sorry for causing alarm today. Sincerely, Birdie.” Accompanying the image was this post: “Birdie tested our fire system today and wanted to apologize to her dog friends and the firefighters”.


The Grimes Fire Department happily accepted the apology and took to Facebook to post, “It’s clear this pup has learned its lesson! False alarms may take place occasionally, but it is our priority as firefighters to ensure everyone stays safe. Thankfully there was no need for us at Dogwoods Lodge today!”


