
German Shepherd Becomes Protective Guardian To An Orphaned Baby Deer

Dogs are undeniably loyal companions, and will go to great lengths to protect those they love – whether it be another dog or their human family.

We get even more inspired when we see them protect another animal. Different species forming unlikely bonds, like this dog who has become best friends with an injured deer is something we love to see.

PHOTO: buckys_porch

When Cheryl Stephen found an orphaned fawn lying on the road, she brought it home without expecting her 9-year-old German Shepherd Sarge to adopt it as well.

Cheryl was surprised to see the dog step up and start caring for the deer, who she named Buckwheat.

PHOTO: buckys_porch

Cheryl told The Dodo that Sarge felt an instant connection to Buckwheat and began helping with every aspect of his care, including feeding him, playing with him, and keeping him safe.


Sarge was overjoyed to watch the young deer grow stronger every day, and Buckwheat stayed by his side like a loyal friend or family member.

“Buckwheat would always wander off when we took him outdoors, so Sarge would walk beside him to keep him in line,” Cheryl explained.

PHOTO: buckys_porch

With each passing day, Buckwheat matured. Eventually, he was no longer in need of Sarge’s aid and had outgrown his home.


He was finally ready to return to the wild, but Sarge still had plenty of deer to take care of.

Cheryl tugs at your heartstrings as she takes in injured and orphaned deer, giving them a second chance. Sarge is always happy to help, even though not all of the deer make it. They show each one love and care regardless.

Cheryl told The Dodo that when she walks in the door carrying a fawn, Sarge immediately springs into action. He frantically sniffs and noses around the animal to determine its condition.

PHOTO: buckys_porch

“Sarge is a calming influence on the fawns who are naturally drawn to him. Sarge never leaves their side.”

Sarge, you’re amazing! Always helping these little deer whenever they need it. This just goes to show how compassionate and intelligent dogs are.

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