
Little Boy Won’t Leave Dog Hit by Car Until Help Comes – Town Honors Him

Meet Hüseyin el-Hasan, an 8-year-old Syrian refugee residing in Kilis, Turkey. Despite experiencing unimaginable tragedy and fear in his young life, he continues to radiate kindness and love toward others.

One day, while walking down the road, Hüseyin noticed a dog lying helpless on the median. The poor animal had been hit by a car and was in excruciating pain. Without hesitation, Hüseyin ran to help.


He quickly ran back to his house and grabbed a blanket to keep the dog warm. The boy placed the blanket over the injured and shivering dog and kneeled by her side to offer comfort while they waited for help.

When animal control finally arrived, they took the dog to the veterinarian. Unfortunately, the injuries were too severe and the dog did not survive. Despite the sad outcome, Hüseyin’s kind actions gave the poor dog comfort and love in her final moments.

Hüseyin was heartbroken when he learned about the dog’s passing. However, his selfless act did not go unnoticed. The deputy mayor of Kilis visited Hüseyin to commend him for his compassion and offered him some new blankets to replace the one he had given to the dog.


The mayor recognized Hüseyin’s act as the best of humanity. He encourages us to do better and follow Hüseyin’s example.

Hüseyin’s act may have been small, but it shines a light on the terrible situations refugees face every day. Despite enduring unimaginable struggles himself, he was still willing to help another creature in need.

Hüseyin reminds us to have compassion for one another, no matter what hardships we face. Perhaps his example can inspire us all to be more kind, to show more love to others, and to make a difference in our communities.


Please share Hüseyin’s story of compassion with your family and friends. Let’s spread the message of love and hope to others.


