
Owner believes his ‘very old’ dog deserves nothing and guides him to her

Holden, a dog once dismissed as “old as dirt,” found himself in a kill shelter after being seized by the police. His future looked grim. But life had other plans for this tenacious pup. Melissa, a woman with a big heart who has fostered over 500 dogs, decided to give Holden a second chance.

A check-up revealed a seven-pound tumor attached to Holden’s spleen, making breathing difficult. Despite his frail condition, Holden underwent surgery. It was a success – the tumor and spleen were removed, and luckily, the tumor was benign.


From Foster Care to Forever Home

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Under Melissa’s loving care, Holden started flourishing. He befriended her other dogs, her three-year-old daughter, her cat, and her husband. Melissa knew Holden deserved a forever home that could shower him with all the love he needed. That’s when Carole entered the picture.

Carole, a dog lover who had been tracking Holden’s journey, lived with her Lab mix, Elway. Upon meeting Carole, it was clear from her genuine affection that she was the perfect new mom for Holden.

A Bond That Warms the Heart

(Image: YouTube)

Carole was thrilled to adopt Holden officially. The bond between them formed quickly and firmly. Holden, tail-wagging incessantly, met his new canine brother, Elway, and began exploring his new surroundings. Though initially intimidated by Elway’s size, Holden soon settled in, even claiming Elway’s bed as his own.

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Carole’s only wish is for Holden to feel secure in knowing he has found his forever home—a place where he will always be loved and cherished. Despite his brutal past, Holden’s spirit remains unbroken. He continues to thrive in his new, loving home.

Please share Holden’s heartwarming story with your friends and family.


