
Wild Duck and Dog Become Best Friends After Meeting for a Nightly Swim

Golden retrievers were originally bred to help hunters retrieve ducks and other waterfowl after shooting them. But this charming pup is not interested in hunting – quite the opposite! Instead, this pup loves to play, cuddle, and show affection. It’s no wonder why they have become one of the most popular breeds of dogs in the world.

McGee, aged six, has found an incredibly loving duck as a companion in the pond behind his home. The two have become the closest friends, exploring, playing, and even cuddling. McGee’s parents are delighted to see their son so content with such a special friend.


McGee and Daffy, the duck whom McGee’s pet dad has affectionately nicknamed, have become fast friends. It all started when Daffy randomly approached the friendly pup and insisted on spending time with him. Now, the two are inseparable, enjoying each other’s company and going on adventures together.


Evan Hastings, McGee’s pet dad, believes the wild duck feels lonely and sees McGee as a friendly companion. He thinks the two were meant to be together and that the duck was drawn to McGee’s warmth and kindness.

Daffy was determined to make McGee his best friend, no matter what it took. He was relentless in his pursuit and wouldn’t rest until McGee had agreed to be his companion. With determination and persistence, Daffy finally won McGee’s trust and friendship.


McGee and Daffy have become inseparable. Every morning, McGee graciously shares his breakfast with Daffy, and then the two enjoy sleeping and sunbathing in the soft grass. Daffy has even used McGee’s back as a comfy resting spot! It’s clear that the two have formed a special bond and now spend most days together.

Daffy loves more than just sleeping on McGee’s back; he also loves riding on it while McGee dips in the pond! Not only is it a fun way to spend the day, but it’s also an excellent way for McGee to show off his swimming skills.


Daffy and McGee have a great time swimming in the pond every night. When it’s time to return to land, Daffy loves to hop onto McGee’s back for a fun and playful journey. It’s a beautiful way to finish the evening; these two always have a blast together!


McGee is incredibly patient with Daffy despite the duck’s clingy and demanding nature. While Hastings sometimes thinks McGee gets a little annoyed by Daffy’s attention-seeking pecks, McGee never shows it and remains calm and understanding.


He is filled with joy and admiration as he observes his new companion frolicking and playing. Their connection is remarkable, a reminder of how strong and pure animal friendships can be. Spending time with them brings him immense joy and motivation.

Check out the heartwarming end to one of their adorable little swim sessions here. You won’t want to miss it!

(h/t: thedodo)


