
A Kind Woman Comforted a Shelter Dog by Spending the Night in His Cage, Ensuring That He Wouldn’t Pass Away Alone


We may not be able to extend our four-legged friends’ lives as long as ours, but what we can do is ensure that their lives are filled with joy and love from start to finish. Every canine deserves safe, comforting surroundings during its last moments. No pooch should ever pass away without companionship and love.

In an incredibly touching account, one woman showed immense kindness by ensuring a dying shelter dog had companionship in its last moments. In 2018, a college student discovered Watson all alone in an area park and brought him to Speranza Animal Rescue.


The shelter took in the sickly stray who, upon examination, displayed signs of malnutrition and a host of sores. Even more concerning was the discovery of an advanced cancerous tumor on his hind leg. He was rushed to emergency care and administered IV antibiotics while undergoing several tests for further diagnosis.


Janine Guido, the founder of a shelter for animals, had an instinct that this particular dog didn’t have much time left. The only way to make him feel at ease was by giving him love and attention – no matter how long it lasted. “My intuition told me he wouldn’t be here tomorrow,” she remarked to The Dodo.

To ensure Watson’s comfort, Janine laid some blankets and dog beds on the ground for him to curl up in. Then came an act of unparalleled kindness; one so remarkable it left everyone speechless.


Knowing that Watson was likely in his last hours, she decided to remain with him. She expressed on Facebook that it felt wrong to leave the dear dog alone so she stayed by his side through the night.


As Janine and Watson nestled together, she whispered sweet nothings to him while they drifted off into slumber. Although little is known about his past, it appears that he had been deprived of the love he deserved for so long; luckily, Janine was more than willing to shower him with affection and kindness.

“I couldn’t bear to part from him when he needed me most,” she shares with The Dodo. “He snuggled up impossibly close in my embrace as we both slept. Tears streamed down my face until the morning light shone brightly, although I kept crying for some time.”


Upon waking the following day, Watson was not in good condition. According to the shelter’s Facebook post, he displayed signs of distress – continuously spinning in circles and struggling to stay upright while turning cold. It was evident that he needed help urgently.

As the sun rose on that fateful morning, Watson took his last breath — and Janine was right there with him. She shared her heartfelt tribute to the beloved companion: “I held you in my arms as you exhaled your final sigh of peace. I knew it was time for you to go, yet I’ll never forget our special moments together.”


Through my sorrowful tears, I remained by his side until the very end. At that moment, I was expressing to him just how deeply he was cherished and adored.

Despite the pain of his passing, she found solace in knowing that during their brief time together, he was showered with love for what would be the last and only time.

Last night, I cherished every moment I had with you and the opportunity to express all my love. Despite how briefly we knew each other, I hope that you can feel just how much affection fills my heart for you.

Janine shared with The Dodo, “I’m so grateful that I was able to embrace him and keep him close during his last night. I whispered words of love into his ear; letting him know how much he meant to me–and the world. Even though this heartache is indescribable, I would not change a thing.”


It’s an unfortunate story, however, it serves to demonstrate the immense power of a bit of affection in a pup’s life ❤️💔 We are so thankful for Janine who showed Watson just the right amount of love when he needed it most.

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