
Every day, the dog walks to the cemetery, I start tearing up when I understand why

This is the story for you if you’ve ever wondered about the relationship between humans and dogs. It will show you how close we can be to our furry friends.

A faithful dog in Turkey was so saddened by his owner’s death that he frequently went missing from home, but no one knew where he fled until one day…


Zozo was only a week old when he was abandoned, but Ishmael Oztuk took him in and named the puppy.


They quickly developed strong feelings for each other and became best friends. Even though Oztuk sadly passed away on February 10th, 2014, their bond continues to live on.

Zozo was heartbroken. Oztuk’s family observed that their dog would often run away from home and return with no recollection of where it had gone. Oz Son visited his father’s grave one day when he noticed somebody or something lying on top of it.


Zozo ran away from home every day to visit his late owner’s grave because he mourned the most for his owner. Zozo lay at the graveside, hoping that his former owner would return.

The family discovered that despite his inability to communicate, Zozo continued to show his love for his late owner through his actions. His boundless love for his late owner aided the family in coping with their grief.

Almost can become depressed when their owners die unexpectedly because they don’t understand what is happening and no one can explain it to them.


When a dog loses their owner, it may find comfort in staying by its owner’s grave. It’s a coping mechanism for them. We can only hope that Zozo recovers from his loss. What a wonderful and devoted companion he is.

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