
Skinny Dog Left at Shelter’s Parking Lot Had Heartbreaking Note From Owner

Delaware Humane Association

To start off 2019, Sky the terrier mix was not in a great position. The six-year-old dog was found alone, cold, and shaking in the Delaware Humane Association’s parking lot. Severely malnourished, the staff were horrified when they found her. Attached to her collar was a note from whoever left her there.

There was a letter written in scrawl on the rock, explaining Sky’s situation and personal information.


In the letter, Sky’s name and age were stated, as well as the fact that she was a friendly pup who was only hungry – though whether or not you would call a dog 20 pounds underweight “not sick” is debatable.

The person who wrote the note said they had become homeless and could no longer afford to feed their dog, Sky.

The letter ended with a request for the organization to help Sky find a new home where she would be taken care of.


Sky’s friendliness, as noted in the previous letter, was on full display. The dog couldn’t have been happier to be surrounded by so many new people.

She greeted them with a smile and was very appreciative of the good meal and comfortable bed she was given for the night.

The staff at Delaware Humane Association were very sad to realize that they could not locate or contact the person who brought Sky in.


It is technically against the law to dump a dog in their parking lot, so they should avoid doing so.

Delaware Humane Association

The organization offers financial assistance to homeless individuals through grant funding, but the thought of this was saddening because the individual had come in with his dog.

The group decided to post Sky’s story on social media, where it quickly became popular. As word of the pup’s struggle spread, Sky’s original owner came forward and explained what happened.

He said that he and his wife became unemployed, and with numerous children to care for, they couldn’t maintain Sky. They strongly believed that the Delaware Humane Association could provide her the assistance she deserved.

The father of the family recently got a new job, which has allowed them to get off the streets. They’re grateful that their daughter will be well cared for in her new home.

Delaware Humane Association

Countless individuals were moved by her tale, and she received various food donations to keep her and the other rescue animals sated.

With time, she regained enough weight to be healthy again and shortly after, found her forever home with a family who adopted her!

If you cannot keep your dog, please consider taking them to a shelter rather than giving them away.


